UI declares date for Post-UTME screening, 2020/2021

This is to inform prospective candidates who have registered for the post UTME that the screening which will be Computer Based Test (CBT), will start on Tuesday, 06 April to Saturday, 10 April, 2021.

Information on the Date, Time and Venue will be communicated via a photocard to each candidate 

through the University Admission Portal. 

Candidates are requested to print the PHOTOCARD and bring along to the venue of the screening.
A CBT access fee of N1,000.00 will be paid for the screening.

Enquiries can be directed to the following Desk Officers:
Mr. L. O. Abu – 08071183955;
Mr. A. Kolade - 08067557709

Thank you.
Olubunmi O. Faluyi, MCIPM, MAUA
