Plateau State College of Health Tech. announces aptitude test for 2020/2021 session

All those who have purchased admission forms into the Plateau state College of Health Technology, Pankshin for the 2020/2021 Academic session are hereby informed that the Aptitude Test for admissien for all candidates is scheduled as follows

Date 28 November, 2020

Plateau State College of Health Tech. announces aptitude test for 2020/2021 session

Time: 8:0 Prompt

Venue College of Health Techmology Pankshin Premise

Candidates should bring along the following

  • N3,000.00- lnterview fee
  • Original results
  • Receipt of purchased forms and acknowledgement card
  • writing Material

All candidates äre therefore advised to be in the College by 7:00 am to commmence other preparationg before the sanitation and to strictly adhere to all CoviD-19 protocols please

Meanwhile, Foms are still on sale till November 27th 2020
